Greetings and welcome to my website. I’m Thomas Shoebotham, a multi-faceted musical performer, teacher, and lecturer living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I conduct for opera and ballet companies, and for symphony orchestras. In addition I perform as a solo and orchestral cellist, and give lectures on various musical topics to audiences around the country.

Under the Conducting tab you’ll find my conductor biography, where I talk about my training and where I’ve worked in the past, as well as links to my repertory lists and various media. Under the Cello tab you’ll find similar information about my training and history as a cellist, along with information about how to contact me for private lessons. The Lecture tab links to various musical subjects I’ve presented on to a variety of organizations, as well as samples of my work.  

Definitely check the Events column on the right side of this page for information about my upcoming performances and lectures. The links will give you complete information about the events, locations, and how to purchase tickets. I hope to see you at one of them soon!

Enjoy your visit, and please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to your comments and questions.